Monday, March 24, 2008

Twenty four = zero three X zero eight

Couldn't let this one go by - I love silly number patterns & today (24/03/08) is just another. The numbers in today's date can make a correct mathematical sum without even having to manipulate them into a different order!


24=3 X 8.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

RSS after further investigation

Well, now I know a little bit more about this component of Web 2.0. Have been looking at Google reader & have set up a folder with a "blog" list of all our library staff. I think this will make it easier than checking each one individually! I think having news feeds on Google reader will be better for me than using Bloglines, simply because it puts everything on the one starting point ie Google.I could see an RSS feed being a way of setting up a virtual "BookClub" with a library service blog to announce a book to be discussed, and then public / staff participation to discuss the book on line. Also added Blog search button to my toolbar - instant library information from a number of Blogs. Wow, the housework / shelving will never get done now!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Readers' Advisory Services Wiki

I have joined the Readers' Advisory Services Wiki - what a wonderful opportunity to share our collective knowledge of books and literature.

RSS Feeds

I have subscribed to a few RSS feeds. However, one of them (ABC Online ~ Local area news) is way out of date, with nothing new on the feed since 2007. This is a bit of a trap for beginners. How to determine the usefulness of the feed for your needs & how to determine the validity of the information? I guess it is just like assessing the value of a reference book! PASTA (See mnemonics post).

Blog Vs Wiki

I am interested in setting up an information sharing facility for the North East Libraries - Focus on Children. The idea was mooted at our meeting in Dorrigo last year, and with Mylee's encouragement, and support of the group it seemed like a worthwhile thing to do. I was all set to create a Blog ~ until I learnt about Wikis, and now I'm not sure what would best suit our needs. What do you think?


I was fortunate to be able to attend the HSC Forum at State Library this week. Watching Victor Davidson & his use of Web 2.0 to facilitate learning helped consolidate what we have been learning as we progress through Library 2.0 program.

His statement that Web 1.0 didn't exist until Web 2.0 came into being caught my attention ~ just as World War I only became the term of reference for "The Great War" after World War II.
I hope that the amazing innovations that he referred to as Web 1.0 still hold their important place in history, long into our experience of Web 2.0. As with other historical events ~ some people will never know the simple origins of the Internet, and will only know the complex applications of the technology that they now take for granted.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Brierfield Farm

The farm where I live is at Brierfield. It is bounded by the Kalang River & we can look out over the misty hills to Bellingen. I have added some farm images to flickr - what better way to open a discussion with a group of children than to talk about the animals that share our special place. Flickr gives me a chance to share the images, including suitable comments.

Cow with calf
Originally uploaded by jmajudy
We have 12 cows on our farm, and one bull. Each year there are new calves born - this one is Blackie

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Birthday Cakes

Have you ever wondered how many birthday cakes you have had over the years? One day I will sit and calculate how many... but not only that, my "favourite cake" changes over time. I do recall one very special birthday as a child where I was able to have an Ice Cream Cake, and then there was the cake I had for my 10th birthday party which was a Chocolate Marshmallow cake - Yum! I have just baked a cake which has recently become a favourite at our place.

Chocolate Raisin Cake
In a bowl combine

  • 1.2 kg raisins
  • 1 cup rum
  • 250g dark chocolate chopped
  • 250g melted butter, cooled
  • 4 eggs, lightly beaten
  • Add to the mixture

    2 cups of plain flour, sifted with 1 teas allspice, 1/2 teas cinnamon & 1/2 teas ginger.

      Bake in 2 round cake tins at 180 degrees for about 1 hour.

      Wednesday, March 5, 2008


      Bellingen is a beautiful town on the mid-north coast of NSW. I moved to Bellingen 23 years ago. The town has changed a lot since then, but the river still flows - and floods. This beautiful image portrays the tranquility of the region.